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Joe's Recoverythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3538 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: The Hermit
Added: Apr 26 2005Views / Reads: 2313 / 1764 [76%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Recovering from an illness is always made easier by having a beautiful girl around to help, well maybe it isn't.

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6'4" Joe, met Kate in the real-estate office when buying his home several years ago. She and her husband became close friends over time. He and Robert had gone hunting and fishing together and in some of the harder times, helped each other out. Just like now, as Joe was recovering from a serious virus, which had put him in the hospital for five days, Vicky, (their daughter), would stop by and help Joe out with some of the chores around the house. Vicky is 19 years old and lives with her boy friend in town.

Because of his age, 62, Joe had taken a while to get back on his feet and during this time he and Vicky had become very close. They often talked about their problems, any and all of their problems. During one of these discussions, Vicky ask, "Why don't you find a nice lady and get married again?"

Joe replied that he was too onery and set in his ways for most of the women he met, and then add jokingly, "besides, it's been so long since my last affair, I've forgotten how."

"Yeah I bet," Vicky said with a wry smile. Then the dryer dinged and she went to fold the clothes. "I've got one more load to do, is there anything you want to put in it?" she shouted from the laundry room.

"Just these that I'm wearing," answered Joe.


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