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Easi : Second Installmentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3967 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: T Kingdom
Added: Aug 21 2000Views / Reads: 1062 / 920 [87%]Part vote: 7.50 (2 votes)
The continuation of a Man and his trip to The Erotic Arts & Sciences Institute.(Read Easi first!!)

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"What do you mean we have to earn our fucks?"

"You have to show her how much you are attracted to her, show her your cock. Show her how hard it is. Tell her how you feel. What you want from her, what you want to do to her, and what you want her to do to you. It all depends on how impressed she is. You know, some people can't stand that shit, but some people like a little kink once in a while. Isn't that what you are here for, new expierences?"

"I'm on vacation, I'll try anything. I just need to relax, and do whatever the hell I want", I said leaning back in my chair.

"Now my boy, now you have the right idea!", he said almost screaming.

"So, are we going to finish our golf game?", I asked with a smile.


As I said before, I will not explain the golf game because it isn't of interest. But, I can say that I lost to Mr. Donlason. The final score was -1 to -6 in Mr. Donlason's favor. But he had an advantage, this was my first time at that course.

When we finished, we went back into the parking lot to find Mr. Donlason's Caddillac. As I said before, the car was beautiful, and ...

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