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Babysitterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1976 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Storyteller_69
Added: Aug 22 2000Views / Reads: 6288 / 5115 [81%]Part vote: 7.83 (6 votes)
Find out who was at the door and what happened after... (fff/m/mff)

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Jill collapsed onto Darrell's chest with her heavy breathing. They both lay there for a few minutes together, fondling and kissing, when they heard the door to the basement open.....

"Jill, are you down there? The back door was open so I just came in.", a girl's voice called down from the top of the basement stairs.

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell Lindsay not to come over today.", Jill whispered to Darrell. Lindsay was another girl on the cheerleading squad with Jill. She was about Jill's height and build, but with tits twice the size and brown hair. Amazingly enough, she lived just two houses down from Darrell in the other direction (the poor guy had hot ass cheerleaders on both sides of him). Jill jumped up and started to throw her clothes on. "Yea, Lindsay, I'll be right up. Keep an eye on Janet up there, could ya?". Jill finished getting her top on and threw her panties onto Darrell's chest as she ran up the stairs. Darrell just pulled the crotch of the panties up to his nose and dosed off into a deep sleep after his first fuck.

"Hey, so what'd you want me here for?", Lindsay asked.

"Well, I thought we could listen to music or something, but Janet turned out to be more of a handful.", Jill replied with a grin. She reached down and gently ran her fingers through Janet's hair as she slept on the couch. ...

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