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The Dentistthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 4023 words)

Author: Jerry DeFort
Added: May 10 2005Views / Reads: 7065 / 6306 [89%]Story vote: 6.50 (4 votes)
A trip to the dentist leads Holly into a tangled web of seduction and domination.

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The Dentist

By Jerry DeFort

Her throbbing jaw was all Holly could think about. She had used what was left of the anbesol her mother had given her, and now a feeling of desperation began to consume her. Her regular dentist was on vacation and the doctor who was handling his patients had not been able to give her an appointment. Finally, with just a minimum of begging, she was able to get an appointment with a new doctor who had just opened up in a ritzy part of Nashville. He had a huge add in the phone book which even displayed his picture. Quite handsome, she thought, despite feeling as though her jaw had been kicked by a mule.

Holly hurriedly finished some reports she knew Mr. "D," her boss, needed by day's end, and was in her car, speeding on the way to relief by 2:00 pm. Slow down Holly, she thought, knowing a speeding ticket, would only add to her pain. But how could any policeman give her a ticket after she explained? She smiled through her pain, remembering on more than one occasion when a sweet smile, a subtle showing of her milky smooth thighs, and the hint of things to come, had made some policemen forget why they had stopped her in the first place. But such a show now would take too much time . Better slow down she thought, without acting on the thought. Holly's appointment was not until 3, but she wanted to be early, with enough time to get the inevitable paperwork out of the way, ...

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