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A Festering Fantasythis story is part of the FanClub (bi:infidelity, 5840 words)

Author: Jackson Dunn
Added: May 13 2005Views / Reads: 8827 / 6986 [79%]Story vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
When two married men get it together it is surprising what is revealed

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A Festering Fantasy

By Jackson Dunn

Jan and I had acquired our little patch of dirt and built our home just after we were married about twenty years ago. It was in an upmarket estate with more than modest dwellings on half-acre blocks.

We had been neighbours with Gareth for almost as long and had become very close friends over this time. When he had lost his wife suddenly a couple of years ago it was quite a blow to all of us.

Gareth had not bothered to remarry, maybe because it was too soon after, but he would say to me in confidence that he didn't think he would do it again. He and his wife never had children not because they didn't want to, but because they found it difficult to conceive.

It was different for Jan and I. It had been a conscious decision. We both had promising careers and children would have only interfered with them. We had a very active sex like and often thought that kids would have taken a toll on it also.

Since Gareth's wife's death, the topic of how he was managing not having a partner would regularly come up in our discussions after sex. It seemed a shame that he did not have someone to enjoy the advantages of ...

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