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RESCUE BY COINCIDENCEthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3544 words)

Author: VixxxNkisseS Picture in profile
Added: May 14 2005Views / Reads: 504 / 381 [76%]Story vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
A chance meeting by two internet lovers on a roadside highway in Oklahoma.

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A long day of working then motorcycle riding made you tired, so you began looking for a place to crash for the night. You started in Southern Kansas late in the day, and had made it past Ponca City by dark. You'd avoided Interstate 35, and kept to the secondary roads mostly following old highway 77. Still, most small towns rolled up the sidewalks early; there wasn't much of a selection. You finally decided to just hit one of the roadside picnic areas and catch a few winks, before you continued to Guthrie to surprise me.

The roadside rest area wasn't far, and as you pulled up, you saw an old Chevy truck at the far end with the hood raised. You slowed the bike and pulled in several tables away. The engine idled smoothly for a few minutes, and then you shut it off. The sudden silence was almost deafening. You took some snacks from your bags and sat on a picnic table to eat. Lost in thought, you didn't hear my approach I guess.

I was going to visit a family member in Kansas up near Leavenworth whose in the Army there, then on to a surprise visit on you, so I am unaware this is you. I got away from the big cities and preferred the secondary roads myself, for the scenery, the lighter traffic, and the possibilities of finding food and gas easier. I hadn't really counted on my truck giving out in the middle of nowhere. I'd barely made it to the rest stop before it quit altogether. I'd tried to call a few friends, but the cell phone I'd borrowed wouldn't pick up a signal.


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