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The Bought Husband (2)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3429 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: May 21 2005Views / Reads: 3917 / 3398 [87%]Part vote: 9.53 (15 votes)
Working for a big payoff.

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The honeymoon was as bogus as the wedding had been. The script had been given to me well before hand so that I would be able to play my part so that any observer would only see what they thought was a happily married couple. Gloria was a conspiracy freak and she saw people everywhere whose sole purpose was to prove that she hadn't met the terms of her father's will.

"I know you don't believe it Jack, but the people in charge of the charities and foundations that will get the money if I don't meet the conditions of daddy's will are going to do their best to find a way to get that money. They like their half million a year salaries and they will do their absolute best to get my money. You absolutely have to be a convincing husband."

"Well if that is true Gloria, all they have to do is put an army of private detectives on the case and they will turn up the skinny on you and Jumal in no time."

"That won't matter Jack. There is nothing in daddy's will that says I can't cheat on my husband and if push comes to shove I'll fall back on that old standby, "I love my husband, but I'm a slave to a big, black cock." If that happens you will be shocked, but you love me so much that you will forgive me. Besides, I have a ton of personal security. You won't even know that they are they, but any private eye that tries to get close will meet them up close and personal. Money does have its ...

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