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Once You Go Black...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 6620 words)

Author: Roncago
Added: Jun 04 2005Views / Reads: 9346 / 8615 [92%]Story vote: 8.91 (11 votes)
When Donald's girlfriend invites their new black neighbor over for dinner, she becomes the main course, while all he can do is sit back and watch.

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I honestly thought that Jessica and I would be together forever. We met when we were both in high school, fell in love, and then moved in together quickly after graduation. We both worked instead of going to college immediately so we could afford to get married as soon as possible. Back then things were perfect and I seemed set to live happily every after with the girl of my dreams. This is a story all about how I was dead wrong. What started out as a dream, ended up as one of the worst moments of my life.

We had been living in our apartment complex for about a year before Marcus moved in next door. He arrived in a U Haul truck one afternoon as she and I were heading out to do some grocery shopping.

"Looks like somebody's finally moving into Carrie's old place," Jessica remarked as we hopped into our car and pulled out of the parking lot. Carrie used to live in the apartment right next to ours, before she finally moved out last winter. The apartments were close to the nearby university so they mostly drew in students, most of who tended to move out at the ends of the semesters. Carrie was a gorgeous college freshman who transferred schools mid-year so her apartment stayed vacant until the beginning of that summer. I loved Jessica and wanted no other woman but her, but I'll admit that I secretly wanted our new neighbor to be as pleasing to look at as our old one. I suppose I half got my wish, though he was more pleasing to Jessica's eyes than to mine. ...

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