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Taking Susanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1612 words)

Author: hilt
Added: Aug 24 2000Views / Reads: 8267 / 5977 [72%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Faithless husband fucks his wife's gorgeous friend.

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Taking Susan

I first met Susan when my wife arrived home from work one evening. I was sitting indoors reading when I heard the car draw up outside the house and then the musical voices of my wife chatting and laughing with another woman. They swept into the house and Susan into my life. She was quite tall and slim, perhaps about twenty-eight years old, with a pretty, lightly freckled face, clear skin and almost shoulder length shiny brown hair cut in a fashionable bob. Her eyes...I can't remember them clearly but I imagine them to have been a lioness like green-brown. She was wearing a light top that showed her small, firm, upward-pointing tits nicely and an ankle-length patterned skirt which emphasised her slim, gorgeous shape and firm, almost boyish ass. Susan was a newcomer at my wife's work and her car had broken down. My wife had offered to drive her home and as our house was on the way, they had stopped by for a drink. I got up to greet them both, kissing my wife on the mouth and Susan on the cheek. She had a subtle perfume of warm woman and something else undefined and I noticed that she touched my side with her hand as we introduced ourselves. For the rest of their short stay I couldn't take my eyes off her, particularly when she was standing up, unconsciously displaying those long, slender, dancers legs.

Over the next year or two I got to know Susan better...over occasional dinners at our house, at parties, even playing tennis together once or ...

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