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Locker Room Sexthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 543 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: LockerRoomJock
Added: Jun 30 2005Views / Reads: 2041 / 2 [0%]Part vote: 7.14 (7 votes)
The story of two 19 yrold boys who have had their eyes on eachother but never known

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It was an ordinary day of school,it was 6th period and i had gym.I am your average jock a good group of friends,i excel at every sport and suck at school. I walked into the locker room and went to the back and found my locker. There was Gino. I had fantasized about him all the time he was cute and had a plump full mouthwatering ass that i wanted to fill with my 8 inch cock. I didnot consider myself gay and i only dated women but i found it easier to jack-off to guys.

We were running the track that day and i was so hot and sweaty, Aparently so was Gino cause his already tight soccer shorts were clinging to his hot ass, I craved to see his ass in a jock strap. I was running slow behind everybody to hide my boner so coach made me help clean up and i went in to hit the showers last. Gino also had to stay behind. I went to my locker and undressed, i went in and gino was standing there he must not have been expecting me cause he was jacking-off . "oh i didnt see you there i was just cleaning it he hehe"he nervously squeaked. " didnt see a thing" i lied in return.

In the showers there were mirrors so even though gino was on the other side i could see his ass. I went over and put my arms around him from behind. "i have had my eye on you for a while " i whispered i his ear. "Really i have kind of had a thing for you".I turned him around and pushed him into the wall as i put my lips against his,We started making out wildly. I reached down and grabed his 6in cock and started playing with it.He reached down and grabed mine in return. ...

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