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Pussy For Salethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3693 words)

Author: RhythmicLover
Added: Jul 04 2005Views / Reads: 2239 / 1964 [88%]Story vote: 8.82 (11 votes)
An intriguing ad draws together a man and a woman who otherwise wouldn't have met.

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It was a beautiful late August day, I was walking through the grocery store near the campus when I noticed the community bulletin board and saw the sign that I couldn't take my eyes off of:





I probably stared at the sign for at least 5 minutes trying to decipher whether or not it was for real. But, since my wife had been out of town for the past two weeks and wouldn't be returning for a week, I figured there was no harm in me checking this out and I was horny as all hell.

I moved to the sign to make sure no one else was looking and tore the whole thing down. No telling how many others had seen this sign, but I didn't want to take a chance that anyone else would. I finished my shopping trip and headed home.

I put away the groceries and left the flyer sitting on the counter as I tidied up a few things around the house. Then, I decided it was time ...

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