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My best friends motherthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1653 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Michael Johnn
Added: Jul 07 2005Views / Reads: 5114 / 4243 [83%]Part vote: 8.53 (15 votes)
Story of how I lost my virginity as an 18 year to my best friends mother in 1962.

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My Best Friends Mother

I was a senior in high school in 1962, when I started dating my buddy's sister. I had known her since she was 13 and now, as a junior, we seemed to click. We had been on two dates, one to a drive in for dinner and movies and one to a concert. We had a good time both dates.

I usually worked on Saturday and Sunday so my only free day for dating was Friday night. My boss had called me on Thursday and asked if I could switch with the Friday guy this one time. I didn't have a date this week so I said no problem! He said great and I'll see you Friday. I worked late on Friday and the next morning I slept in. At 11:00 a.m. my mom waked me up and kicked me out of bed. She told me to clean the pool and other chores for the day. I went into the kitchen, had a bowl of cereal and coffee and went out to clean the pool. It was summer so I dove in the deep end and brushed the side walls. I swam two laps underwater then climbed out the steps in the shallow end and got the pool skimmer. After cleaning the pool, I washed coping around the pool and then washed off the patio. I swept up all the leaves and then went inside to check with mom about any other jobs. She was going off to play golf with her girlfriends. She said, "have a nice day". I put on some clean shorts and t-shirt and jumped in my MG midget and went over to my buddy's house to see him and his sister.


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