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Lucky Loserthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3915 words)

Author: Sinderella
Added: Jul 08 2005Views / Reads: 9722 / 7816 [80%]Story vote: 9.06 (17 votes)
A woman loses a bet with friend...luckily for her and and four other guys. Could also be male dom, exhibition

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There is a breeze tonight, I notice, as I let my dressing robe drop to the floor in my candle-lit room. The window is open, and I can feel the air softly grazing my fair skin. A small chill runs down my spine, and my nipples react to the wind. Or perhaps they are reacting to the thoughts racing through my head as I prepare myself for a night with him. I don't know exactly what is in store, but have a feeling I am going to enjoy finding out...and, standing naked and alone in my room, the anticipation is too much for me to bear, and I give in to the urge to touch myself. I sit in the nearest chair, and spread my legs wide open as I begin to rub my throbbing mound. Slowly I lower my fingers to feel how wet the thoughts of my lover have me. I find that I am dripping, and instinctively I bring my fingers up to mouth and suck my juice from them until they are clean. Before I can return them to make myself cum, my phone rings and I groan in annoyance.

"Hello," I answer briskly.

"Are you ready yet?" his familiar voice echos back.

"Almost." I giggle wickedly, as I know the anticipation must be killing him as well. I decide to add fuel to the fire. "I started thinking about you and got hot, so I was just going to make myself cum."

His answer is more assertive than I have ever before heard him be. "No," he says. "You will not cum until I let you. Finish getting ...

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