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Walk in the Woodsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4520 words)

Author: NaughtyStudent
Added: Jul 12 2005Views / Reads: 539 / 395 [73%]Story vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
A story that Mr. Dave wrote for me. I havent been feeling up to writing so I figured it was the least I could do for the people that look for my writing.

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Beth walked briskly down the wooded path. Twice a week, early in the morning she would walk five miles in the park she had grown to love. Today she would walk her favorite path, which for a part, meandered a mile and a half following the twists and turns of a shallow, but serene creek. In the winter, she could board in the park, but now in the summer, she loved to walk. For most of walk the creek wasn't visible due to dense brush, but there was a spot were the brush gave way to high grass allowing the creek to reviled is beauty. Beth the loved the sound of the trickling water as she walk, it relaxed her, and helped her focus. And in this clearing, Beth would bask in the sun, the heat baking her naked body as she skinny dipped in the water. She was sure no one would find her here. Beth walked along, recognizing the sharp bend up ahead Beth snapped herself from her thoughts, she had been walking for about an hour, and the spot were the creek was visible lay just beyond. It would be there that she'd stop to check her time, pulse, and enjoy the serenity that surrounded her. As Beth slowed her pace and came to a stop, she took a deep breath and gazed about. The path and the creek were separated by about two feet of high grass, and Beth decided to walk to the edge for better view. While standing at the waters edge, Beth reached in to the pocket of her loose sexy pj pants and retrieved her watch, but in the process it slipped from her fingers. Quickly trying to catch it before falling into the water, she inadvertently knock it farther out into the creek were it dropped with a plunk into about 12 inches of water. "Fuck" she said to herself. She could see the watch though the clear water; it was about 18 inches out ...

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