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An Affair To Rememberthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2431 words)

Author: kealafire
Added: Jul 14 2005Views / Reads: 4931 / 4205 [85%]Story vote: 8.33 (9 votes)
this is based on a fantasy of mine where i get seduced by my best friend after a night of drinking and fun

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An Affair To Remember

I was stuck in a relationship that was going nowhere fast. Stuart and I had been dating for a few years but lately I found myself growing bored. We had moved in to a small flat a year previous and now sex had become boring and routine. Everything about it was the same right down to the way Stuart would initiate it by kissing my neck and playing with my nipples then I went into auto drive. My mind would wander and I would begin to think of when it had all changed. There was no spontaneity or variety to our relationship. A few times I had tried to spice it up by dressing up for him or introducing some toys but he just laughed me off and said we didn't need them.

We had recently had the internet installed and having never been very good at computers I decided not to use it. But one weekend I was all alone. Stuart had begun to work late and never got home much before 3am and was also sent away on training courses like the one he was on this weekend. A friend of mine had told me how she had been surfing the net and came across a chat site. The night Stuart had left Vanessa came round and told me she was going to give me a crash course in computers. I was in two minds about it as to be honest I was scared of technology. I had only just managed to learn how to use a mobile phone to text Vanessa or Stuart.

I got an extra seat and before I knew it Vanessa was sat at the computer ...

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