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First encounterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1929 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Theladycroft Picture in profile
Added: Jul 14 2005Views / Reads: 3448 / 2834 [82%]Part vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
After an ongoing online affair, Jamie and Steve decide to meet. Will they still be playing games?

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Jamie was incredibly nervous at the thought of finally meeting Steve. They had chatted online for several months and it was time to finally put a face to the mystery. Jamie was a beautiful woman and she knew it but somehow she worried that she wouldn't be everything that Steve expected. After all he could read her like a book, he knew her inner most desires, her secret fantasies, he knew all of her expect the physical side.

Steve sat a booth in the lounge, the place was dark and smoke lingered in the air.

Steve was also nervous at the thought of finally meeting Jamie. She was alot younger than he was, fifteen years to be exact but they had connected so well online and he couldn't pass up the opportunity of knowing her.

He had had so many women, and all had been eager to please him but Jamie was different. He wanted to possess her completely, make her his and this was the time. He needed to have her and he hoped he would be able to control himself if she decided against it.

The door to the loungue opened and from where he was sitting, he had a perfect view. Many people came in and out of the place, many attractive women but to his dismay no Jamie. After a few drinks, he looked over to the door again as a tall blonde walked in. ...

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