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Retail slut, part IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 788 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Jul 16 2005Views / Reads: 2896 / 4 [0%]Part vote: 9.00 (20 votes)
I've just had the most amazing fuck of my life while at work and didn't realize the time i was away from my work area. As i go to retreive my panties that i had removed, i find my boss with them wrapped around his hard-on

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I opened the door and walked down a few stalls to retrieve my panties. I pushed open the stall door and shrieked as I looked into the face of my boss sitting there on the bench, his pants open and his hard cock exposed with my panties wrapped around the shaft of his cock. "Close the door behind you Veronica and I think we should get some things straight.........." he said as I closed the stall door.

Part II

I started to protest and proclaim my innocence "Richard! What are ....." He held his finger to his lips to "Shhhh" me. Then he motioned me closer and slipped his hand up under my shirt to feel my cum-filled pussy oozing down my thighs. "Looks like I get to have sloppy seconds!" Richard said as He pulled me over to him and forced me to straddle his cock.

I knew there was no need to try and explain things, so I figured that I'd enjoy myself with Richard and see where it led to. I reached down and threw my panties to the side and grabbed his hard-on and guided it to my pussy as I lowered myself onto his lap. Richard's cock easily slid inside and I could hardly feel him after being stretch so much my Jody's huge tool.

Richard immediately ran his hands up under my blouse and pushed the cups of my bra up to free my tits. I lowered my mouth to his as I undulated ...

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