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THE GENIUSthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 2522 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: NCJAY
Added: Aug 28 2000Views / Reads: 353 / 283 [80%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
This chapter continues the story of Terry and Stefan after they leave Princeton and start to build a life together as lovers.

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Life After Princeton

(This is Chapter two of a four-part story. Each chapter is intended to be read in sequence. As a result, if you haven't as yet read Chapter I, I suggest you do so before starting this Chapter!)

Once it was decided that we would try to leave for Pennsylvania the next day, Stefan went out and bought a new medium-sized car. We quickly packed our few belongings, loaded the car, told our landlord good bye and got a good night's sleep. That was one of the very few nights that I can remember when we didn't have sex - we were both too nervous and excited about the impending move!

Early the next morning we got in the car and began the relatively short trip to Pennsylvania. We stopped about 50 miles outside of Princeton for breakfast and then continued our journey. We got to my new college shortly before noon, located the only really nice motel in town, checked in, unloaded the car, had lunch and went in search of a real estate agent. We quickly found a motherly-type agent to whom we described what we thought we wanted. She listened carefully and said, I think I have exactly the house you have in mind. Let's go look at it!"


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