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Joni Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4888 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: It Wasn't Me
Added: Jul 19 2005Views / Reads: 830 / 644 [78%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Just when Joni thought her day of sexual encounters was done, she see's something to make her night!

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Joni woke up startled with fright. Her heart was pounding with a loud thump.

"Whew, it's only a dream" she said to herself.

Still dressed in her sexy lace, see-through lingerie, she got out of bed and decided to have a glass of water. Figuring everyone was asleep she took a chance to walk barefoot out into the corridor and down the hall to the steps leading downstairs. Her soft legs glided on the carpet, free in the night air. A smirk escaped her lips with the thought of her nakedness exposed beyond the bedroom. Yes, besides the see-through garment Joni was also wearing the matching panties. If anyone woke up, and saw her ... oh my ... they would really see every detail.

She stopped when she heard a noise downstairs and almost flew back to her bedroom. However curiosity held the teenager at bay and she decided to investigate. It sounded like voices, but who could be up this late at night? Was it her parents? And why would they be up? She dared to find out, so she tiptoed down the first few steps and sat down where she could see into the dining room. And there they were, but it was not who she thought it would be. It was the maid and butler, still dressed in their uniforms. From her current position she could not clearly understand the words they were saying, but their voices were overlapping, resembling an argument.


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