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DC&H, Kathy's Fallthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 26961 words)

Author: KK
Added: Jul 23 2005Views / Reads: 6817 / 5912 [87%]Story vote: 10.00 (7 votes)
Kathy tells her side of the story about what happened at DC&H and tries to explain why.

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Authors note: After I posted DC&H I received several notes from readers requesting that I tell Kathy's side of the story. I thank those readers for their interest and dedicate this story to them.

I would also like to thank Techsan for taking the time from his busy schedule to edit this story for me.


My name is Kathy Alpin and I was twenty-nine years old when my fall began.

I had felt that 2002 was going to be our year. My Husband Fred and I were having our dream home built and in spite of the problems we were having with the building inspectors I was excited about the prospect of moving into our new house that summer. Fred was handling the frustrating business of dealing with the inspector and our contractor without much help from me. I was preoccupied with events taking place at DC&H where I worked.

At that time I had been manager of the accounting department at DC&H for two years and had twenty accountants reporting to me. DC&H was coming off two years of record growth in the mergers and acquisitions business, which had provided me with very generous year-end bonuses. The problems arose in January when some severe management problems were ...

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