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First Meetingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1907 words)

Author: Rock7243
Added: Jul 24 2005Views / Reads: 813 / 607 [75%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
After talking for months Sam agrees to meet John, she is not sexually experienced and John offeres to give her all this things she yearns to experience. This first meeting turns out to be the most amazing time for them both as they explore each others se

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She sat in the café sipping on a late that she really didn't want to try to calm her nerves; a thousand and one thoughts were running through her mind trying to decide what had possessed her to agree to meet John! They had been chatting on the internet for several months and the conversation had slipped quite naturally from everyday topics to one of a more sexual nature.

They were both happily married but shared the same passion for sex although by Sam's standard he was a lot more experienced even though he was seven years younger than her, sex with her husband had always been non experimental and here was this younger guy telling her that he liked nothing more than spending hours pleasing a woman in every was he knew how and had certainly elaborated on exactly how he would go about it too. They had seen each other in pictures and she was still amazed when he had suggested they meet up so he could show her in person exactly how he wanted to please her. It was John's persuasive manner combined with his charming manner that led her to where she was now sitting in the café anxiously watching everyone passing by.

More for something to occupy her mind than necessity Sam decided to text him and let him know where she was sitting and what she was wearing and then all she could do was sit and wait. What if she took one look at her and walked away she was getting more apprehensive and hadn't noticed a tall well proportioned guy walking towards her table. Glancing up Sam looked at his face and thought inwardly no this ...

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