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Domestic Peacethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3142 words)

Author: Editor of Sexrealm Picture in profile
Added: Jul 27 2005Views / Reads: 4495 / 3315 [74%]Story vote: 8.12 (8 votes)
The live-in babysitter had done something terrible, and it was now time to handle her, if I was strong enough...

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Domestic Peace

By: Editor of Sexrealm - 05

When she moved into the house to look after the kids she was something like 16, a bit round, not heavy, but had a slow manner, and was charming. As the years went by she grew up, harder, stronger. The relationship between me and Honey was always a special one. As the father of the children I was always nearby, and she teased me mercilessly, and I let her. I suppose the lack of attention my wife was giving me at the time had something to do with it, but I can't tell anymore. I was just "in lust" with Honey, I guess.

After years of teasing the relationship between us took full bloom last summer, and to my utter surprise she completely dominated me sexually. She was a lot stronger, more vigorous, tighter and better skilled than my wife or any other woman I had ever been with. She fully controlled me in bed; yes it was hard for her but she managed it, and since then I have been cheating on my wife to build myself up for another conflict with her, to prove that I am still the king of this castle.

It was over a year ago now, that hot day in the beachhouse, when she made me cry out and spasm deep in her twitching pussy, her hands white on the sheets as she held on, milking me. I have since then been a bit withdrawn from her and my kids, spending as much time away from home, ...

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