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Hotel Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6036 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 30 2005Views / Reads: 14202 / 12125 [85%]Story vote: 9.00 (23 votes)
A sex game between husband and wife gets out of hand.

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Hotel Love

About three years ago my marriage was in deep trouble. We'd been married for nine years; with twin 7 year old daughters. I'd not long had a promotion at work and my wife was struggling to combine a full-time job with being a good mother and loving spouse.

A new job meant that I earned a lot more money but had to work longer hours and stay away from home two or three nights a week. I was too busy to notice any problems until one Friday night when I arrived home to find the kids already in bed. When I complained my wife exploded with rage. The resulting argument lasted 48 hours, culminating with a soul-searching ‘heart to heart' conversation, on the Sunday night.

Obviously it was ‘my entire fault' and I had to promise to work less hours, pay Kate and our daughters more attention etc. etc. etc.

One of her more salient points was that we hadn't had sex in over four weeks and I hadn't noticed! We put that right immediately. Over the next couple of weeks we discussed ‘our problems' in a calm and mature manner. One of Kate's biggest gripes was that I hadn't shown any imagination in ‘the bedroom' for years leaving her frustrated and unfulfilled. Needless to say I was devastated. I tried my best over the next few months; but it was always Kate who really instigated trying new positions, wearing sexy lingerie and even buying a sex-toy. What ...

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