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Good Neighborsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3752 words)

Author: SpankerSam
Added: Aug 29 2000Views / Reads: 3753 / 3287 [88%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
A man helps his wife's friend when her masturbation goes a bit too far. He has to help her remove the franfurter that she pushed too far up her cunt.

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Good Neighbors

I was home alone watching porno movies. The only time I can enjoy them is when I'm home alone. The phone rang. Jackie, my wife's friend and co-worker, was on the other end. Jackie is 49, with creamy cinnamon colored skin. She stands 5'8" and is kind of thin but she has great legs. I have always seen her in high heels which accent her muscles and give her legs a sexy look. I also know quite by accident that she has nipples that are at least an inch long. Jackie is divorced and the mother of a wild 17yr old boy.

When Jackie asked if my wife was home she sounded distraught and in tears. When I told her my wife was away for the weekend and asked what was wrong she only moaned and said I couldn't help her. Thinking that something was wrong with her or that her son had done something else dumb, I said I would be right over. I jumped in my car and made a fast drive the 15 miles to her house. The lights were out in the front but knowing that she leaves an emergency key hidden; I used it to let myself in.

The house was dark. I called out Jackie's name. She answered from her bedroom but I could tell she was in some kind of pain. When I entered her bedroom she was laying in bed with the covers pulled up to her neck. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Thinking she was sick or hurt I immediately asked her if I should call the cops or an ambulance. ...

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