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The Sunday Spinthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 8748 words)

Author: Kyrie
Added: Aug 16 2005Views / Reads: 3269 / 2901 [89%]Story vote: 9.33 (12 votes)
Emma's failed relationship with Peter left her hurt, disillusioned, and without a washing machine. A week in a new office leads to wild sex with her new boss, and she finally moves on with her life.

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By Kyrie

With a basket full of my dirty clothes, I struggled into the local Laundromat. It was three years since I had routinely been to the Laundromat, but after splitting with my boyfriend it became a Sunday tradition. No Sunday roast with my parents, instead I spent the nicest part of the day sitting on a hard little wooden bench. You see, Peter got the washing machine in the split, and I hadn't got around to replacing it. As much as I hated to admit it, I still needed to feel hard done by; reflecting on how our relationship had failed.

I'd been with Peter for 5 years, and the last 3 years we lived together. Our house had been perfect, but the relationship hadn't. We broke up amicably, which made it even tougher to feel hard done by.

When we broke up, I moved in temporarily with my friend Rachel while I found a place of my own. Rachel had been great and understanding, but from day one urged me to get on with my life. She said, "Emma, these things happen for a reason. It's fate. Just accept it and move on." That was easier said than done.

Sex with Peter had been the thing that kept us together for so long. We certainly didn't connect on any other level. But the sex was special. ...

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