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Jamaicathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 405 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: FJ
Added: Aug 23 2005Views / Reads: 2918 / 3 [0%]Part vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
Mary gets what she wants in the end.

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Still dripping cum from her pussy, Mary is taken from the table by the two Jamicans and once again chained to the post. This time she is face to the post. The two clips with weights are removed from her nipples, which are swollen and red, and replaced by a chain with two clips which is wrapped around the post. Her ankles are chained to the hooks in the floor.

The one who fucked her reaches into her pussy with two fingers, comes out with a mixture of his cum and her juices, puts them to her lips and says loudly "Lick this" which she hungrily does. again the crowd goes wild. He repeats this twice while his partner goes to the table and returns with a large dildo.

Removing the plug from her ass, he inserts the dildo slowly, twisting it as he does. The other brings an even larger toy from the table which he jams into her cunt, leaving it there. All the while Mary is squirming and moaning, rubbing her body up and down on the pole.

After fucking her ass with the dildo for a few minutes while the crowd eggs him on with nasty comments and cheers, the one yet to fuck her pulls it out and goes to the table. He returns with a huge black toy which he holds up to the audience which chants "Use it, use it".

Again he slowly fucks he asshole with the dildo. Mary is dripping sweat, moving her ass rythmicaly to match his strokes. ...

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