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The Stein - Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 10403 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: KK
Added: Aug 27 2005Views / Reads: 1178 / 1114 [95%]Part vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
What part did Nicky play in the shooting. Was she having an affiar with the shooter?

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THE STEIN by KK (Part Two)

The pain I was feeling in my chest was more than could be caused by my wounds. I began to wonder if Nicky had just dealt me the final blow. Everything wasn't clear to me yet so I knew that I had to proceed slowly to avoid making a big mistake. I reviewed all possible scenarios and kept coming back to just one conclusion, Nicky was already in the house when I was shot. She had to have been upstairs with the shooter when I came into the house. Now I had to figure out what that mean and what I should do about it.

I was very angry and knew that when Nicky came home the confrontation would be ugly. I tried to plan what I would say to her but my anger was such that I knew I wouldn't be able to contain it and it scared me. The thought of Nicky being upstairs alone with another man was making me crazy. Finally I decided that I would not be able to talk to her because I was afraid I might hurt her.

Once I had all of the facts put together in the right order I knew it was time to talk to Tony but before I called him there was someone else I needed to talk to.

Jim Culkin and I had grown up together in Glendale. We had been best friends for as long as I could remember. Jim had been the best man at my wedding and I had been his best man. I hadn't seen much of Jim for ...

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