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The Rock Poolthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2277 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: bec Picture in profile
Added: Sep 21 2005Views / Reads: 1506 / 1232 [82%]Part vote: 9.00 (14 votes)
A young woman and an older man lead private lives until that fateful walk on the beach that Summer morning.

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There was a promise of heat in the air, and the morning was still early. Justine walked along the deserted beach, revelling in the solitude and the vast expanse of open ocean over her left shoulder. It was mid summer, and another hot day was in store. But at this early hour, before the sun crested the far horizon, the breeze was still cool. It tousled her long blond tresses. She loved these early walks on her own. Time to think without the distraction of holiday makers who flocked here every Summer.

Justine lived here. She owned a popular little restaurant in the town. She had always dreamed of running her own restaurant, and when the inheritance had come through, she was able at last to realise her dream. She wouldn't open until 11 o'clock. The lunchtime crown would start to drift in soon after, and she would not close until late that night. The hours were long during the holiday season. Her early morning walks on the beach were her only real chance to be on her own for a little while, and the treasured them.

Justin's mother was from one of the Pacific islands off Australia's North East Coast. Her father was a third generation Australian, whose grandparents had immigrated from Scotland many years before. The result of the mixed marraige was a very pleasing result indeed. Her coffee coloured brown skin and her beautiful face under tresses of long wavey hair made her a very beautiful young woman. Wistfully beautiful, someone had once said. ...

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