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I Once Was Blind...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 12314 words)

Author: frog
Added: Sep 22 2005Views / Reads: 7722 / 6974 [90%]Story vote: 9.45 (20 votes)
Doris was beautiful, but had no comprehension of her own beauty. Doris imagined that she was almost invisible. That concept was easy for her, because Doris was blind. Then Jerome and Hammer discovered her by the pool and changed her life.

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I once was blind...

By frog (frogintexas@hotmail.com)

(C) Copyright 2005 by frog, all rights reserved, except those described below. Permission is granted to download, archive, and repost provided that the contents are not altered, including the disclaimers, copyrights and limitations on use and provided that no fee is charged for access. This story is erotic fiction intended for adult entertainment. The author does not necessarily condone or endorse the behavior described in this story. All persons and events in this story are completely fictitious and ANY similarity to persons living or dead or to actual events is purely coincidental.

Doris was beautiful, but had no comprehension of her own beauty. Given the ways in which most people related to her, Doris imagined that she was almost invisible. That concept was easy for her, because Doris was blind.


Doris hated her name. Why couldn't she have been named something exotic or fashionable, like Madison or Alexis or Riley? Those were names of the visible ones, the exciting ones, the popular ones. Doris was a name for the invisible, the girl that no one noticed, the girl who ...

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