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A slut visits part 7this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3047 words) [6/8] show all parts

Author: dirty geezer
Added: Sep 26 2005Views / Reads: 1394 / 1076 [77%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Another meeting between myself and my cum slut. Dirty fun in a hotel room. will be continued.

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A Slut Visits cont - part 7

I was so exciting, after what seemed like far too long, I was again going to meet, and use, my more than willing slut. To my good fortune, a training course had been booked, which required a four night stay in a hotel, to which I indented to make very good use. I can remember the excitement shared with my slut when I told her over our internet chat that we would be able to cum together again, for nights of filthy pleasure.

We again had worked ourselves into a highly aroused state, by chatting online, sharing more fantasies, telling each other of our need to act out our deepest and darkest sexual urges. More than once I had stroked myself to orgasm, as my slut described how she wanted me to use her beyond any limits, and give herself completely, and to debase herself before me, her master. All this had to be done in secret, as I am married to a loving yet sexually ‘vanilla' wife, and she would be shocked to the core if I tried to bring her into the world of hot and hardcore sex I enjoyed online, and in person with a very select few.

Far too slowly the time came for me to board my train for London, a small adventure itself to find the hotel I had booked for my time away. I could hardly even think about the real reason for my time away, a boring yet essential course for work, no, my mind was on far more interesting things. ...

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