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A Secret Revealedthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 1099 words)

Author: Elusive Lady Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2005Views / Reads: 1264 / 4 [0%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
My husband learns of my writing and reading erotic stories, and then I discover that he might someday want to explore an anal tryst! (Just a little true story, not much sex!)

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I've just been reading, and writing, erotic stories for the last month or so. I stumbled onto the Eroticstories.com site a month or so ago while my husband and stepdaughter were both away and couldn't see what I was looking at from the communal computer in the living room. Shortly after I started reading the stories, I felt like trying my hand at writing. See, I write non-fiction as part of my job, but it's been years since I wrote fiction. Not since I graduated from college in 1998 have I really done much fiction writing. But I was inspired, and I wrote my first short erotic story "Several Firsts" and posted it here. That story was, of course, easy, given that half of the story wasn't fiction!

Well since then I've read a lot and written some, only felt able to submit three of my stories, though I'm working on polishing up a longer story to possibly submit. Last night, however, I was polishing up my latest story, and forgot to minimize the screen when hubby came up and kissed my neck and massaged my shoulders. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sensation, forgetting what was on the screen!

Now I must clarify part of why I'd kept this from my husband. I love him deeply, and I would never hurt him, but with the advent of a teenage daughter coming to live with us a year and a half ago, as well as some surgery I had on a lump in my breast earlier in the year, our sex life was fairly stale and sometimes seemed nonexistent. Also, I strongly believed that my husband would be horrified by my own "anal" cravings. ...

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