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True Baseball Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 8592 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: topwise
Added: Oct 02 2005Views / Reads: 2369 / 2060 [87%]Part vote: 9.22 (9 votes)
Chicago Cubs baseball, graduation party and true love for two unexpecting people. First half is builder. Thanks for any comments you may have.

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True Baseball Love

I love my son. I'm glad to know I was able to raise him with a good head on his shoulders. I have taken care of him on my own since he was fourteen, when me and my husband divorced. He has always been as much of a support for me as I have been for him. That's why it didn't surprise me when he gave me opening game tickets for the Cubs game for an early birthday gift. He was graduating in two months, heading off to college - Berkley! I couldn't believe it - it should be me getting him something nice for graduation but he had it in his heart to think of me first.

"Two tickets mom, you and me. I figure this might be the last time we can make it to opening day. California is too far away to pop in for a weekday game."

I gave him a big hug. I was a huge Cubs fan, despite the pains it brought with it. I made it a tradition to take Jeff to Opening day since he started Little League, but we couldn't make it in the last few years, I was saving up for his education.

"How did you get these?"

"You know me. I just went up to the ticket window yesterday and looked cute. Turns out they had accidentally forgot to sell two tickets ...

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