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A Slut visits part 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3858 words) [7/8] show all parts

Author: dirty geezer
Added: Oct 02 2005Views / Reads: 1907 / 1645 [86%]Part vote: 7.80 (5 votes)
I take my nasty cum slut to a seedy porn cinema, where i lead a nasty gang bang while she is cuffed to the chair.

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A Slut Visits cont - part 8

Please read the other parts, if you wish to enjoy the continuing saga of my use of my own nasty cum slut. These story are very dirty! You have been warned

After initial fun with my slut, I found myself resting on the bed in our shared hotel room, wondering what else we could get up to while I was visiting London.

"Put some clothes on slut, we're going out." I had made my decision, and knew my slut would not say no. "Don't bother with underwear, and leave that cum drying on your face, so anyone who looks closely can see you're a nasty cum eating slut." I knew that she would love being controlled, and forced to go out with my cum marking her out to strangers, knowing that she was a slut.

"Yes master," she replied meekly, yet with a wicked grin, feeling the butterflies in her stomach as she imagined what might be in store.

I dressed quickly, noting with satisfaction that my cunt's blouse was flimsy enough to show off her breasts, putting her on even more display that I had hoped. She knew better than to complain though, putting her trust in her master, to protect her from being [censored], if I wished, or at least controlling and conducting the situation if it developed. Her ...

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