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The Connoisseur - Part Onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 3586 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Oct 12 2005Views / Reads: 1490 / 1123 [75%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
After his death, the memoirs of a famous conductor are found to include recollections of his career as a serial fornicator. These are some extracts

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Old Hall Chambers, January 2005

As a lawyer I believe I have a duty to my clients even, in some circumstances, after their death. Problems arise when personal relationships conflict with professional obligations. This has only troubled me once but it has been a source of great concern and soul-searching. It is only after much deliberation and lengthy discussions with senior colleagues whose absolute discretion I trust that I have decided to publish certain documents, and to do so on this site with its strong sexual content.

I made a brief but disastrous marriage many years ago. My ex-husband disappeared to Australia soon after the divorce and, as far as I can guess, is still there. However, I remained close to his parents (who also disowned him), first to his mother, Celia, with whom I became very close, and later to his father, Robert. Celia died prematurely in 1990. Robert survived her by five years. Both appointed me as sole executrix of their separate wills. It is the fulfilment of Robert's wishes that has burdened my conscience.

The year after my father-in-law's death I received an approach from an author who planned to write a biography of Robert (I still find it difficult to think of him as Sir Robert). His career as conductor of many of the world's finest orchestras, as well as his trenchant views on modern music, made him an eminently suitable subject. I could not - ...

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