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The Job Interviewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 1206 words)

Author: Slutty Boy Toy Picture in profile
Added: Oct 18 2005Views / Reads: 2242 / 1413 [63%]Story vote: 7.92 (12 votes)
A job I wish I could interview over and over for.

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Have you ever had a job interview that really made you overly nervous? A job that you weren't even sure was meant for you, maybe even seemed out of character for you? Well that is the position I was last week.

I had a run of really bad luck lately and as a result I was looking at losing not only my car, but also my house. So, I needed money coming in fast and in large quantity. Since I already had one job this one needed to have unusual hours, good pay and fairly light hours—noone can work 24/7—even if they wanted to.

It so happens that there was a job advertised in the paper that was almost perfect. The only problem was that it was working someplace I never would have dreamt of working: an erotic emporium. I went to interview for the job and that is when I got the surprise of my life—the interview process was definitely not what I expected to go through.

For a normal interview I'd have expected to bring my resume, talk with an interviewer or two, discuss my expectations of the job, salary requirements, benefits and such. This one was a tad different. Now I have no problem working for a woman—I've done it too many times to count—but I never expected that woman to, upon meeting me, slap a collar on my neck and command me kneel in front of her.

I also never expected that she would cut my clothes from my body and ...

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