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Office Affairthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2719 words)

Author: bec Picture in profile
Added: Oct 19 2005Views / Reads: 3550 / 2927 [82%]Story vote: 9.33 (21 votes)
My one and only fling with a married man taught me a lot about sex, and about myself.

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His voice! There was something about the way he spoke that sounded so damn sexy.

Dave was the sales & marketing manager for the company. I had worked with him as his internal co-coordinator for a little over a month. I was only 20 at the time, and he was in his mid forties. I never did find out how old he was, exactly. Not that it mattered to me back then. I knew he was married, I knew that much, with several children.

None of that mattered to me, either. What did matter to me was that I had a full on crush on him. Naturally, I thought it was love then. Well, maybe not love. I don't think I really knew what that was at the time. Looking back, what I was "in" was lust. Pure and simple.

And why would a young woman of 20 be in love, or lust, with a man old enough to be her father? Well you might ask. I have no idea, really. Older men have always appealed to me. That's true. I have often wondered about that. Maybe it's their sense of confidence. Their sense of self awareness. An assurance that males my own age seem to lack. I don't know. Probably all these things, and more.

At that stage of my life, I didn't have a current boyfriend. Oh, don't get me wrong. I was no blushing virgin. I seemed to have the happy knack of attracting boys. No problem there. Boys being the appropriate term. I generally found them to be lacking in the social graces, and ...

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