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Love Unspokenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4123 words)

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Oct 21 2005Views / Reads: 591 / 468 [79%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Margo, having separated from her partner, seeks solace in Italy where she has an experience beyond words

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October. The melancholy month when autumn mists filter the heat of the sun. Time to head for warmer climes. Margo was flying to Italy. Long ago she had discovered an agency that hired out villas in the south during the season; now she had a standing order for the first two and last two weeks; during school term time she could enjoy the locality without the presence of many of her compatriots. Anonymity suited her. She travelled light: clothes for the climate, bikinis, shorts and tops, a couple of dresses because she liked to change before venturing into the village at night to dine at one or other of the restaurants around the square. And books. Winding down from an office where she needed two secretaries - one to keep her diary and do her typing and filing, one to keep order among the clients who clamoured for her time - winding down meant a routine of sunbathing and reading, country wine and unpretentious cuisine.

And there was sex, which had become sadly complicated. At one time she had invariably travelled with Malcolm whose sexual appetite kept her frequently and fully satisfied; until she discovered that it also served the needs of a succession of other girl friends. Margo and Malcolm had lived together but they were not married so it had been relatively painless to remove him from her life. And to replace him from time to time when the urge took her - but on a one-night-only basis. Permanence could wait. The problem was that she had missed having a male companion during her spring and autumn breaks. She could masturbate, of course, and did, but it was a poor substitute on a ...

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