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A Drinker's Better Momentsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 4239 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: topwise
Added: Oct 22 2005Views / Reads: 2205 / 1939 [88%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Kevin's first time going golden...starts at a bar and ends in heaven.

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A Drinker's Better Moments

It was my usual ritual on a Friday night that was dwindling to an end. I was at my favorite bar, Blue's Tavern. It had just opened and was my favorite bar: not for the good food, the cheap beer or the number of televisions to catch any sporting event. Instead, I was interested in the bartender Rachel. We flirted a lot over the nights that she worked and I was around, but it was very innocent. I saw something in her eyes when she looked at me though that wasn't so innocent. I got a few quick kisses out of her when I had walked her home from work on occasion, but she was always reluctant to go on any real date. She never really looked at anyone else with the same devilish eyes she used with me so I thought I'd have to play her at her game and eventually break through her barrier.

I finished up the remaining beer that was at the bottom of my mug. Over the course of the fabulous night, several of my friends had come and went. I walked out of the bar with two of my friends, Cheryl and Dave, into the brisk dark night that awaited us outside. They were a couple and would get laid tonight. I on the other hand would have to do without and walk home only to look forward to passing out on my bed and enjoy a long restful sleep.

I gave Cheryl a hug and Dave the dual shake with one hand and hug with the other. We said goodbye, as well as our vows that we'd have to do ...

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