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Sally's Fantasythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2756 words)

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Oct 23 2005Views / Reads: 7301 / 5743 [79%]Story vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
Business turns to pleasure with the arrival of a French lady lawyer

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Momentarily, I am disconcerted. My habit of letting my mind drift away to sex is not usually a problem; usually I can absorb what's being said at the same time. It's a useful trick because I think about sex a lot. If it becomes too intense, i make an excuse, slip away to the ladies room, lock myself in a cubicle and deal with it. If I'm that aroused, it doesn't take long. This time, though, I have to ask Ty to repeat the question.

Paul, my husband, says the infamous statistic about how often men think about sex is true. If anything he thinks it's an understatement, but that may just be Paul assuming that everyone is as sexcentric as he is. What i find curious is that there is no comparable statistic for women. Anyone who assumes that women spend most of their time thinking about what's to be done in the office or the kitchen is just plain wrong. In my case, very wrong.

There are three of us sitting round a boardroom table covered in files, papers, calculators and cups of half-drunk coffee. Facing me is Ty, our Finance Controller. Ty's Caribbean good looks, ready smile and easy charm can disguise the acuity of his mind: he was a top five finisher in his year at Harvard Business School. Since my promotion to Head of Personnel I find myself regularly joining him at meetings, and Ty (nobody calls him Tyrone) now figures a lot in my sex fantasies .


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