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Married but Sexually Bored - Part 11this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1265 words) [11/18] show all parts

Author: Tiger
Added: Nov 01 2005Views / Reads: 1052 / 739 [70%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Married but Sexually Bored - Part 11

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Married but Sexually Bored - Part 11

Joy hadn't called me the next day. I was shook to say the least. I had to know if she was pregnant. I knew that email wasn't the way to handle this situation so I called her cell phone. I got no answer but left her a message to call me, soon! I couldn't handle the stress. I couldn't concentrate on my appointments or department head meetings all day. My mind was with Joy. Just as I got into my car to drive home, my cell phone rang. It was Joy. I said Joy I need to know whats going on. I am really concerned about you. She replied that she couldn't just go right out and buy pregnancy test. I had to take the youngest to girl scouts, the oldest is getting ready to leave for college and her middle child needed transportation to soccer practice. Besides, this is a small town I live in. The drug store employees all know me. I can't just walk in an d buy a "kit"! She was testy and on edge I could tell. At least she wasn't crying. Joy, I said, calm down! Look, if your pregnant there is a 50 % chance the baby is your husbands and ...She immediately interrupted me at this point. She said that Al could also be the father if she were pregnant. I played dumb and said WHAT? Al? Al from Winslow Metals? Yes she replied! Sounding totally pissed now. She said, remember, I went to Vegas as your wife. That son of bitch, Al came on to me right from the word hello. All the time you gambled or talked to his wife Grace, he told me how business was taken care of in the steel industry today. His company could buy imported product and your company President would be disappointed in you. The loss of the account could ...

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