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Lust --- Kinder, Gentler, Strongerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 3637 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: june dutton
Added: Nov 01 2005Views / Reads: 2311 / 1689 [73%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Connie gets off the bus, Jerome gets into Connie.

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5/20 Dear Debby Jean,

School ends on the 6/9. I can get a bus to the city and then to your place. It's a ride but I'll get a rest and see some of the country. I'll get there on 30th at 2:30 pm can you pick me up?


5/24 Jen,

Dear sister of course I'll be at the bus. It'll be a great summer. Love-ah sister, Debby Jean

7/15 Dear Connie

You said when I left you wanted me to write the details so here they are.

Debby Jean was at the bus stop with a guy named Michael. She was all over him. I was pretty tired so we went right to Debby Jean's and I went to bed. Those 2 must have fucked till they went out sometime in the early evening. You know how it is in a strange bed, you keep waking-up. It was 2:30pm when I got up but I did feel pretty good, Debby Jean was in the front room drinking coffee and planning something for Saturday. Some kind of barn dance. But tonight were going to the ...

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