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The Matchmakerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 8488 words)

Author: Wish
Added: Nov 03 2005Views / Reads: 633 / 456 [72%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Probably under the wrong catagory but not sure what to call it, except sci-fi/fantasy...She was lonely, he was lonely and they had a unique experience to bring them together...

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A little late for Halloween but I had this story submitted for the ESchallenge so it took a while to post it. I do hope that you enjoy it though. Thanks for reading...:)

First, I guess I should tell you a little about me. I am the girl at the office that you see and you know; maybe you even like me a little; but I don't draw the attention like some of the other women do. I view myself as simply average: average height, average breast size and average looks. I don't flaunt myself for anyone at the office and am perfectly content to stand on the sidelines and watch from afar.

I am so laid back and unnoticeable that I hadn't even had a boyfriend in the last couple years. I was even fine with that, albeit a little frustrated in the sex department. Let's face it, my hands and my vibrator can only do so much for so long. But I wasn't one of those women that needed to have a man to depend on. Nor was I wanting to pursue one, figuring that if the timing was right for "Mr. Right", we would somehow just manage to find one another. I guess you could call me a true romantic at heart, or maybe that was the first sign that I was about to lose what mind I had.

You could say that my story began around the time of the autumnal equinox though you would be wrong. It actually began when I had gone out with a female friend of mine about the middle of July, but even I didn't realize that until much later on. ...

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