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High School Reunion Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1855 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: NYFireBird Picture in profile
Added: Nov 07 2005Views / Reads: 1072 / 836 [78%]Part vote: 7.80 (5 votes)
Bobby's Story

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High School Reunion - Part 2

Bobby's Story

I stared out the window of my hotel room, mesmerized by the gently swirling fog being burnt off the lake and the first hole in the morning sun. It was exactly as I remembered it when I was a twelve-year-old kid working as a Caddie at the big resort hotel 38 years ago. This view plus the events of the past night had, how would you say it, brought my life full circle.

It had been thirty years since I'd been back to my old hometown. My classmates from high School had tracked me down since no one had heard anything about me since graduation. So here I am, in the middle of the beautiful Catskills, attending our thirty-year reunion. I didn't really know what to expect, but for some reason a sense of apprehension filled my mind as I crossed over the mountains from Newburg and got my first view of the Schawanga Valley. I guess it was too late to turn around.

I checked in, got to my room and took a quick shower. The plane had been delay as always in Atlanta and now I would really be fashionably late for the cocktail party at the Country Club. I had been told that I would be shocked by how old everyone would look, which I believe might scare me a little, since my only memory of everyone was when we ...

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