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The Blue Ribbonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 18434 words)

Author: Miltone Picture in profile
Added: Nov 12 2005Views / Reads: 8095 / 6875 [85%]Story vote: 8.87 (15 votes)
Older man gets lucky at a Classic Car show.

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The Blue Ribbon By Miltone (c)2005

For Candie

"Hey Jace, what're you up to tomorrow?" crackled Joey's friendly voice over the phone line.

"Going to the Concours. What else is there?" Jason replied with a laugh, not surprised at hearing from his best old car buddy.

"I figured that and have a little proposition for you to consider."


"You know that we're taking four cars there tomorrow."

"Yeah. You were saying so the other day," Jason commented remembering their phone conversation from a few days earlier.

"Well, Little John's mother-in-law passed away and he can't make it. I was wondering if you would want to come along with the crew in his place."

It took Jason all of a split second to make up his mind.


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