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Baby And The Bandthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4535 words)

Author: Jenna Ink
Added: Sep 03 2000Views / Reads: 3888 / 3449 [89%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
The band's manager turned to Erin and smiled. "The guys like you." . . . "I know so," the tall, graying man stated and handed the young girl a cloth pass marked All Access in bold white lettering. "After the show," he grinne

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Title: Baby and the Band

The band's manager turned to Erin and smiled. "The guys like you."

Erin's brown eyes lit up. "Do you think so?"

This would be her fantasy come true.

"I know so," the tall, graying man stated and handed the young girl a cloth pass marked All Access in bold white lettering. "After the show," he grinned, "knock on the bus."

If she had won the lottery, Erin wouldn't have been happier than she was at that moment.

"Thank you so much," she squealed.

So far, although it was only her second concert, things were going amazingly well. Since the band had walked on-stage, their bassist and two guitarists had been exceptionally flirtatious and adoring. She was front row, astounded by the power of the band's music and the beauty of its members.

* * *


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