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The After Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1838 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Miss Kitka Picture in profile
Added: Nov 25 2005Views / Reads: 1701 / 1147 [67%]Part vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
This is a true story about Jane's, my best friend, grandiose party. Although I have plenty of thoughts about the party itself and the feelings it evoked in me – I’m not going to tell you about the party, but I will tell you about the after party...

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Before you read this entry, you should make your way over to my first story about my best friend, Jane, and my adventures with a cute and willing houseboy, who scrubbed her bathroom and mopped the kitchen (after coming on the floor, at our request).

Okay, now you can wipe up your... uh, drool, and you've got yourself some backstory.

So, not long after our adventures with Steve was Jane's grandiose party! It was a celebration of surviving New York, graduating college, and moving on and out to grad school. It brought together many of the people she's cared about over the past five years. Although I have plenty of thoughts about the party itself and the feelings it evoked in me - I'm not going to tell you about the party, its fabulous attendees nor scintillating conversations about kangaroo cock.

I'm going to tell you about what happened after the official party.

As the evening grew later, people continued to trickle into the party, while others (like Jane's family) trickled out. All night we'd been telling people who should be in the know (aka not grandma) that they had to play "find the houseboy," as he'd be in attendance, but his identity had to be guessed. I was lounging on Jane's bed with Jeremy, chatting with some of the other guests when Dacia, a friend of mine and Jane's who we met at a bisexual speed dating event two years ago, ...

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