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An Extraordinary Womanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 11498 words)

Author: MacDuke Picture in profile
Added: Nov 27 2005Views / Reads: 6497 / 4762 [73%]Story vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
True story that could fit into several categories: interracial, anal, threesomes, sex at work. But she was extraordinary in all settings - and positions.

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I had not intended to tell this story until later. It is ongoing, and hopefully will not end for years to come. But when I consider the purpose of these stories, to share the remarkable women who have enriched my life, she is probably the most extraordinary of remarkable women and deserves a place at the front of the queue.

So I will start this Paean to JuLee now, and perhaps supplement it with later episodes. (JuLee has helped me with my recollections and has added her comments at places designated with ******* )

I first met her in my office some two decades ago. She was there to introduce one of her clients to me, a local motel owner who spoke only Korean and had been thrust into a precarious position by the accidental death of her husband. JuLee and I helped stabilize the situation, and thus began a professional association that has lasted to this day.

I had known JuLee's husband for a couple of years, but had not met her until that day. When she was ushered into my private office, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. It was good that our initial business was fairly simple because she distracted me, to say the least. While I had certainly seen and enjoyed Asian women up close prior to that time, none had or has ever so captivated me just by her presence.


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