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Max Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 2958 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Chuck Mainfield
Added: Nov 28 2005Views / Reads: 602 / 463 [77%]Part vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
The next morning followed max's directions and knocked then entered his apartment ---

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Part two of MAX

Later in the day, after Max had invited me to stop by in the morning, had to make a grocery run. Made a point of checking out his directions. He was right his apartment was only a few blocks from where we were staying. Did not sleep well that night, kept waking up wit a huge erection, kept dreaming then waking and thinking of Max and what was going to happen was obviously on my mind.

Woke up a bit early had a coffee then decided to go on over, jogged the few blocks then walked as I got closer to his apartment. No need to get any one excited by jogging right up there. Besides had to give my heart time to settle time. Was like a schoolgirl on her fist date. Guess you might say it was a first date, one in which I knew was going to make out.

I knocked on the door and held my breath, was he up yet, had he overslept. Then the door opened, Max was standing there with a towel in his hand, nothing on. He said Hi, your a bit early just getting out of the shower, still have to shave. Make yourself conformable pointing to an overstuffed chair. I sat down, the position of the chair was such that I had a clear view of the bathroom and Max standing there drying his hair and then shaving. His long cock was bobbing against the sink, his balls swinging back and forth, what a delightful sight. As he leaned forward to shave followed the curvature of his back down across ...

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