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Time Enough At Lastthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1344 words)

Author: Guinness
Added: Nov 28 2005Views / Reads: 785 / 631 [80%]Story vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
True Story that happened 16 years ago. Passionate story of a love that will never end

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I think back to that last day, and hope like hell that the memory sustains me forever. What you are reading is what happened to me 16 years ago. It's has been said that time heals all wounds, but does it?

The sun was shining on this beautiful Saturday morning. I awoke, to see the beautiful profile of the woman I was going to marry in one week. God, am I worthy? She's an angel, and I am a simple musician. You see, no matter how many times we had this discussion, I still couldn't shake that feeling.

Let me start at the beginning. The two of us had been together since childhood. Our families had grown up together, and we had played as children, got "cooties" from one another as pre-teens, and eventually fell hopelessly, head-over-heels in love. Like all teenagers, we found that what we thought was love, was just teenage caring, but as we grew older, we discovered how much we really loved each other. To say the least, it was a storybook romance of epic proportions.

It was toward the end of summer, and I was getting ready to start my first teaching assignment, and trying to make ends meet by driving a semi truck for my father's trucking business.

As I said, I was nervous as a cat over the wedding. It wasn't that I didn't want her, but I was going through everything in my head. Details upon details to go over in this last week. What had started out to be a ...

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