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Going Up?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2700 words)

Author: Domeneque
Added: Nov 28 2005Views / Reads: 2266 / 1967 [87%]Story vote: 8.50 (8 votes)
Two rivals for a job are stuck in an elevator when it stops, what are they going to do while they wait?

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Caldwell Pharmaceuticals was the name over the big corporation tower that stood in the center of Manhattan. Jessica Kennedy had been working there since graduation. Going in the elevator she made her way to the 9th floor. Joey the security guard winked as she went by as usual- Joey made her laugh, always bring a smile to her full, red lips. Flicking her chestnut hair over her shoulder in a smooth motion she made her way to the promotional offices. Today she wore a wrap around brown suit skirt with a cream shirt, jacket to match and a pair of black stiletto pumps. Taking off her jacket she left it on her desk and made her way back across the hallway with her portfolio in her hand.

She had never really felt all that confident in all her 26 years of age. And this meeting where she bring across her proposal for pharmaceuticals company she did advertisement work for would require a whole lot of confidence. Especially as she was against Caldwell for it. If she didn't get this proposal over Max Caldwell she'd be working under him. She got all hot and bothered thinking about it. Of course she wouldn't be working under him in that respect but she couldn't help but think it after all this was the ‘King' of double meaning she was thinking about here. And if he wasn't the king he'd definitely be part of the royal family were his looks were concerned.

He had short dirty blonde hair, grey searching eyes and a straight roman nose with wide lips that had often made her drift into a day dream at work. He was tall too that was sure, even taller then her 5'8, compared ...

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